Investing in powdercoating and wetpaint coatingplants

Investing in (parts of) a new plant:

In case you are considering investing in a new installation, we distinguish two possibilities:

The situation in which you contract all coating work and are considering doing this yourself in the future. In a word, when you need to make the choice between "do it yourself or ... "

The situation where you already do all the coating work yourself and the applied process needs to be reconsidered, or the current installation / equipment needs to be renewed, respectively. In this case we can provide advice both in the choice of process and choice of equipment.

Active support

We not only provide advice, but also help you actively with investing in, installation and taking into operation of new coating installations or parts of it.

Our consultants know all about the current demands, the latest developments and when these can be applied.

Project management

This enables you to complete an entire project in a relatively short time. Guiding principle in this is our project-procedure. This way of working guarantees the realisation from the first idea to the working installation:

In other words, we take all problems, linked to the purchase and realisation of a coating installation, out of your hands!!

We supply advice and consultancy at all your questions concerning powdercoating, painting, pretreatment, cleaning, finishing-process- and coating-plant-engineering, trouble-shooting, education of staff. Shortly, with everything related to the finishing of your products!

Contact us for advice

B&B Coating Techniek bv

Demmersweg 9-13
7556 BN Hengelo
+31 534357707